ASP.NET Xamarin

CiuchApp – Xamarin/Azure/ASP.NET MVC | Clothes order system

Cool, so I’ve stopped a little bit with Sitecore development because I came out with a nice idea of a stack of connected applications that may help my girlfriend in her day-to-day work activities. She has just taken a plane to Italy and for next 3 days she will be buying clothes for her company. Things like dresses, t-shirts, blouses, accessories (girl’s stuff…) So I’ve never been very interested in how it is working in her company but she was complaining a lot. The process it is not complicated but it is time consuming and require from her that couple things need to be done multiply times.

It works like this: She is going to trade fair that there are many small shops (e.g. show rooms). She is taking many pictures of clothes and note what it is exactly, who is a producer how many pieces of different sizes they want to order, price etc. Then during evening she downloads pictures from her company phone and collects information about products in Excel (for now, lets call it Excel no 1.) Of course there are also some data cleaning activities and so on. Then after getting back to Poland data are transferred, edited and reordered to create 3 other excels that will be sent to Marketing department, Finanse and managers. So it is not optimal at all.

My idea is to combine couple of .NET Technologies and create nice flow of data and information.

I called it CiuchApp (Ciuch (polish) is a piece of clothes) Idea is to set .NET solution with:

  1. CiuchApp.Android -Xamarin Android app that is able to capture image and offer form for basic info about piece of clothes
  2. CiuchApp.Dashboard – ASP.NET Core 2.0 MVC simple CRUD application that allows her edit and modify records in desktop view
  3. CiuchApp.Excel – Class Library that contains business logic for excel generators
  4. CiuchApp.ImageAI – Class Library that sends captured picture to Azure to get some basic info (like description) – I am very interested how it can work.

Forunetly I have well established connection wit Subject Matter Expert -> we live together…

So I stared with some Xamarin recap Tutorials:


And Xamarin publishing: 1. 2. 3.

So here it is:

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